Do you have ADHD? Does your child have ADHD?
Here are 5 parenting tips for ADHD:
1. Stay positive, stay encouraging - this tip is for both you and your child. Maintaining a positive attitude will help you better communicate to them. It can help both yourself and your child grow. Believe in yourself and them. Try your best to avoid getting frustrated, especially in front of your child.
2. Maintaining your relationship - having a relationship with your child is important. Whether it's you or your child that has ADHD, carving out time to spend together is necessary. Often, children with ADHD often don't feel loved and are harshest on themselves. If you child knows you're on their side and loves them no matter what, they will be more willing to talk to you about their struggles.
3. Focusing on one thing at a time - creating too many things to work on at a time could overwhelm both you and your child. Setting a goal at a time and making sure to celebrate every victory no matter how small, will help boast their confidence.
4. Create balanced meals - studies from medical professionals have shown that children with ADHD need a consistent intake of healthy food. Eating protein-rich foods helps their neurotransmitters. Be aware of how much sugar they're consuming each day. A diet with too much sugar can make them unfocused or add unnecessary stress.
5. Get Involved - struggling in school is often something that comes with ADHD. Make sure to contact their school and see what extra resources your child can have. Often, they have IEPs in place to provide them with extra accommodations. If you don't know if you have ADHD, figure out if you do since ADHD can run in families.